'clean' has multiple meanings
The Clean Sport Alliance presents a series of videos on the topic of Clean Sport. Since 2019 we have invited international athletes and athlete support personnel to voice their thoughts and opinions on clean sport and anti-doping. Here they tell us in their own words about the challenges of competing 'clean' and supporting clean athletes.
The videos show that ‘clean sport’ is a complex notion with multiple interacting segments. They highlight both the similarities and the differences between them. Their sentiment suggests that they share a 'clean' identity, but each have their own individual take on what performance-enhancing methods and behaviours are regarded as ‘clean’.
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Key to Clean Sport: International athletes from five countries on what anti-doping could do for a clean(er) sport environment
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Andrew Hayes
Athletics | United Kingdom
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Jacco Arends
Badminton | Netherlands
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Sara Isakovic
Swimming | Slovenia
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Patrick O'Leary
Para-canoe | Ireland
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Pia Braun
Tennis | Germany
In 2022, as part of the RESPECT-P project we invited several international para-athletes to voice their thoughts and opinions on clean sport and anti-doping. These videos showcase some of the most interesting views expressed by the athletes.
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Clean sport: What para-athletes think
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Ali Jawad
Paralympic Powerlifter | United Kingdom
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Gemma Lumsdain
Wheelchair Rugby | United Kingdom
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Lisette Bruinsma
Paralympic Swimming | The Netherlands
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Patrick O'Leary
Para-canoe | Ireland
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Sam Ingram
Paralympic Judo | United Kingdom
athlete support personnel
In these videos we share insights from 41 Athlete Support Personnel (ASP) working with elite disabled athletes in six European nations
Meaning of clean sport
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Preoccupation with managing inadvertent doping risk influences actions of athlete support personnel
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Athlete Support Personnel are an untapped source of influence; environment constrains behaviour
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ASP struggle to process the possibility that their athletes could dope (on their watch)
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ASP perceive intentional misrepresentation to be a greater issue than doping in elite disabled sport
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Want to read more?
Click on the button below to read a pre-print of our paper exploring these ideas further.
whose voice is missing?
Jani Dvoršak | CEO | Slovenian Anti-Doping Organisation
"Clean sport is when you keep your health after your sport career and UPHOLD the integrity of sport"
Prof. Andrea Petroczi | Professor of Public Health | Kingston University, UK
"For many, doping is not a temptation but a source of stress they have to cope with. We must ask ourselves what we do for the clean athletes."
Colin Allen | Education Programme Manager | UK Anti-Doping
"Clean society is important, we need to look at sporting landscape such as sport across the lifespan"
Dr. Ian Boardley | Senior Lecturer in Sport Psychology | University of Birmingham, UK
"Going forward we would be looking to develop clean sport identity rather than measuring intentions to dope"
Amanda Hudson | Director of Education | WADA
"we need to help Anti-Doping organisations to empathise with athletes and to bridge the gap between academics"
Prof. Sue Backhouse | Director of Research | Leeds Beckett University, UK
Erik Duiven | Director of Education | Doping Authority Netherlands