Foundations of the Clean Sport Alliance

The Clean Sport Alliance is built on the cumulated strength and complementary portfolios of anti-doping researchers, representatives of anti-doping organisations and athletes. 

The goal of this pan-European initiative is to bring contemporary thinkers and practicioners together to foster high quality doping research and evidence-informed doping prevention.

The Clean Sport Alliance recognises and works with the complexity of the doping problem and prioritises collaboration and co-ordination in moving anti-doping policy and practice forward.

Want to be involved? Contact us!

Founding Partner Organisations


Prof Sue Backhouse

Leeds Beckett University

Prof Ian Boardley 

University of Birmingham

Erik Duiven

Director of Prevention
Doping Authority Netherlands

Jani Dvoršak

Slovenian Anti-Doping Organisation

Dominic Müser

Formerly Director of Prevention
NADA Germany

Amanda Hudson 

Formerly Head of Education, UK Anti-Doping

Prof Andrea Petróczi 

Kingston University London