The I Value project aims to develop, implement and scientifically evaluate early doping prevention program, targeting school children aged 6 to 14 years, their teachers and parents. The program, co-developed by experienced educators from six National Anti-Doping Organisations, experienced academics from two leading universities in the field of doping prevention and schoolteachers will be values-based, evidence-informed and will meet the diverse socio-political and environmental needs of the member countries.
The ”I VALUE SPORT” toolkit helps teachers provide values-based education in schools. Recognising the multiple demands placed on teachers, resources have been prepared in a ‘ready to go’ format, so they can be easily implemented. Sport has been used as a context for the resources that will develop values. However, the resources still align with a whole-school approach, which means they are suitable for all pupils, not only student-athletes.
The toolkit includes detailed lesson plans for teachers and various activities and tasks for pupils. Suggestions on how to carry out the activities and online tasks are provided. The lesson plans can be used during various subjects.
LINK: https://issuu.com/sloado/docs/ivalue22eng_lowres